Texas Online Driver Education

Learn the rules of the road with DriverEdToGo. We make earning your license EASY!

*Some exclusions may apply

Driver’s Education designed with you in mind

When teens are first learning to drive, they are highly receptive to important messages about the dangers of unsafe driving and driving while intoxicated. That is why it is so important for parents to get involved at this initial stage to ensure proper and thorough education to help set ground rules and instill good driving habits, as their teen takes on the responsibility of operating a motor vehicle.

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Course Syllabus

Course Duration

The course consists of 10 modules of instruction. These modules include 32 hours of classroom and 14 hours of behind-the-wheel driving instruction. Under Texas law, students are not permitted to spend more than 2 hours per day on the classroom portion and not more than 1 hour per day on the behind-the-wheel portion. Therefore, the entire course cannot be completed in fewer than 26 days.

Final Exam



  1. 1
    1.1 Welcome
    1.2 1.1.1 - Introduction
    1.3 1.1.2 - Your License to Drive
    1.4 1.1.3 - Right-of-Way
    1.5 1.1.4 - Traffic Control Devices
    1.6 1.1.5 - Controlling Traffic Flow
    1.7 1.1.6 - Alcohol & Other Drugs
    1.8 1.1.7 - Cooperating with Road Users
    1.9 1.1.8 - Driving Plan
    1.10 1.1.9 - Progress Assessment
  2. 2
    2.1 2.1.1 - Pre-Drive Tasks
    2.2 2.1.2 - Occupant Protection
    2.3 2.1.3 - Symbols & Devices
    2.4 2.1.4 - Starting Tasks
    2.5 2.1.5 - Vehicle Operation & Control
    2.6 2.1.6 - Post-Drive Tasks
    2.7 2.1.7 - In-Car Progress Assessment
    2.8 2.1.8 - Driving Plan
    2.9 2.1.9 - Progress Assessment
  3. 3
    3.1 3.1.1 - Attention & Communication
    3.2 3.1.2 - Reference Points
    3.3 3.1.3 - Vehicle Balance
    3.4 3.1.4 - Vehicle Maneuvers
    3.5 3.1.5 - Driving Plan
    3.6 3.1.6 - Progress Assessment
  4. 4
    4.1 4.1.1 - Driver Readiness
    4.2 4.1.2 - Fatigue
    4.3 4.1.3 - Aggressive Driving
    4.4 4.1.4 - Driving Plan
    4.5 4.1.5 - Progress Assessment
  5. 5
    5.1 5.1.1 - Risk Factors
    5.2 5.1.2 - Space Management
    5.3 5.1.3 - Oversize and Overweight Vehicles
    5.4 5.1.4 - In-Car Progress Assessment
    5.5 5.1.5 - Driving Plan
    5.6 5.1.6 - Progress Assessment
  6. 6
    6.1 6.1.1 - Environmental Factors
    6.2 6.1.2 - Environmental Risk Factors
    6.3 6.1.3 - Driving Plan
    6.4 6.1.4 - Progress Assessment
  7. 7
    7.1 7.1.1 - Distractions
    7.2 7.1.2 - Multi-task Performances
    7.3 7.1.3 - In-Car Progress Assessment
    7.4 7.1.4 - Driving Plan
    7.5 7.1.5 - Progress Assessment
  8. 8
    8.1 8.1.1 - The Alcohol & Drug Problem
    8.2 8.1.2 - Alcohol Related Crashes
    8.3 8.1.3 - Physiological Effects
    8.4 8.1.4 - Psychological Effects
    8.5 8.1.5 - Other Drug Effects
    8.6 8.1.6 - Zero Tolerance
    8.7 8.1.7 - Driving Plan
    8.8 8.1.8 - Progress Assessment
  9. 9
    9.1 9.1.1 - Weather & Reduced Visibility
    9.2 9.1.2 - Traction Loss
    9.3 9.1.3 - Emergencies
    9.4 9.1.4 - Driving Plan
    9.5 9.1.5 - Progress Assessment
  10. 10
    10.1 10.1.1 - Vehicle Malfunctions
    10.2 10.1.2 - Vehicle Maintenance
    10.3 10.1.3 - Trip Planning
    10.4 10.1.4 - Driving Plan
    10.5 10.1.5 - Progress Assessment
  11. 11
    11.1 11.1.1 - Vehicle Use & Ownership
    11.2 11.1.2 - Vehicle Insurance
    11.3 11.1.3 - Environment & Litter
    11.4 11.1.4 - Anatomical Gifts
    11.5 11.1.5 - Recreational Water Safety
    11.6 11.1.6 - Driving Plan
    11.7 11.1.7 - Progress Assessment
  12. 12
    12.1 12.1.1 - Comprehensive Assessment
    12.2 12.1.2 - Driver Licensing
    12.3 12.1.3 - In-car Progress Assessment
    12.4 12.1.4 - Driving Plan
  13. 13
    13.1 DPS Knowledge Test


Hutchinson Texas Online Drivers Ed and Hutchinson Texas Online Learners Permit Courses

Hutchinson Texas Online Driver Education Courses
To obtain yours Hutchinson Texas Learners Permit or Drivers License
$59.95 – lowest price in the Hutchinson Texas!
Our Hutchinson Texas drivers ed courses are fast, fun and easy! No other Hutchinson Texas driver ed course makes getting your learners permit or drivers license so much fun! Our courses contain brand new videos, interactive video games, award-winning animations, and much more! Find DUI classes in Texas.
Once you complete this Hutchinson Texas internet drivers ed course, we will send you a certificate of completion via regular US Mail or through one of our convenient FedEx shipping options.
Still not convinced? See what people just like you think about our course.

See testimonials from people who took our online traffic school course.

  • Azad M.
    Brilliant! Everything I needed in a quick and accessible format. Not too long, not too restrictive, and very very educational! Thanks a million!
  • Samantha P
    Your course is already very well done and I found the experience enjoyable with the games, gifs and visual aids you have provided. Thank You.
  • Andy H.
    The course was easy to navigate and had a lot of information to get me started on driving. Good system of quizzes, exams, and information.
  • Lydia L.
    Thanks! I learned a lot more than I did on my own. The videos and simulations made it extremely helpful and much more entertaining.


Our Drivers Ed Course is available in these counties in Texas:

Anderson Gillespie Moore
Andrews Glasscock Morris
Angelina Goliad Motley
Aransas Gonzales Municipal Judge City of Clyde
Archer Gray Nacogdoches
Armstrong Grayson Navarro
Atascosa Gregg Newton
Austin Grimes Nolan
Bailey Guadalupe Nueces
Bandera Hale Ochiltree
Bastrop Hall Oldham
Baylor Hamilton Orange
Bee Hansford Palo Pinto
Bell Hardeman Panola
Bexar Hardin Parker
Blanco Harris Parmer
Borden Harrison Pecos
Bosque Hartley Polk
Bowie Haskell Potter
Brazoria Hays Presidio
Brazos Hemphill Rains
Brewster Henderson Randall
Briscoe Hidalgo Reagan
Brooks Hill Real
Brown Hockley Red River
Burleson Hood Reeves
Burnet Hopkins Refugio
Caldwell Houston Roberts
Calhoun Howard Robertson
Callahan Hudspeth Rockwall
Cameron Hunt Runnels
Camp Hutchinson Rusk
Carson Irion Sabine
Cass Jack San Augustine
Castro Jackson San Jacinto
Chambers Jasper San Patricio
Cherokee Jeff Davis San Saba
Childress Jefferson Schleicher
Clay Jim Hogg Scurry
Cochran Jim Wells Shackelford
Coke Johnson Shelby
Coleman Jones Sherman
Collin Karnes Smith
Collingsworth Kaufman Somervell
Colorado Kendall Starr
Comal Kenedy Stephens
Comanche Kent Sterling
Concho Kerr Stonewall
Cooke Kimble Sutton
Coryell King Swisher
Cottle Kinney Tarrant
Crane Kleberg Taylor
Crockett Knox Terrell
Crosby La Salle Terry
Culberson Lamar Throckmorton
Dallam Lamb Titus
Dallas Lampasas Tom Green
Dawson Lavaca Travis
De Witt Lee Trinity
Deaf Smith Leon Tyler
Delta Liberty Upshur
Denton Limestone Upton
Dickens Lipscomb Uvalde
Dimmit Live Oak Val Verde
Donley Llano Van Zandt
Duval Loving Victoria
Eastland Lubbock Walker
Ector Lynn Waller
Edwards Madison Ward
El Paso Marion Washington
Ellis Martin Webb
Erath Mason Wharton
Falls Matagorda Wheeler
Fannin Maverick Wichita
Fayette McCulloch Wilbarger
Fisher McLennan Willacy
Floyd McMullen Williamson
Foard Medina Wilson
Fort Bend Menard Winkler
Franklin Midland Wise
Freestone Milam Wood
Frio Mills Yoakum
Gaines Mitchell Young
Galveston Montague Zapata
Garza Montgomery Zavala