Winter Haven Florida Licensing Procedures and Winter Haven Florida Online Driver Education
So, you and your family have decided that you're finally ready to begin the process of applying for your Winter Haven Florida learner's permit or first Winter Haven Florida driver license. Winter Haven Florida has a graduated driver license program for Winter Haven Florida drivers ages 15-18 that will allow you to safely gain driving experience before "graduating" to full driving privileges. There are a few things to keep in mind to make sure that applying for your Winter Haven Florida driving license goes as smoothly as possible. So let's not waste any more time!
Winter Haven Florida Instructional Permit or Winter Haven Florida Learner Permit
When you turn 15, you're finally ready to apply for a Winter Haven Florida instructional permit, otherwise known as a Winter Haven Florida learner's permit. In order to apply for your Winter Haven Florida learner's permit, you'll need to make sure you've done the following:
At the DMV, once you present these materials you will then take a series of tests. There will be two 20-question multiple choice tests, one about traffic laws, the other about road signs. For both, get 15 questions correct and you pass!
There will also be vision and hearing tests. For the vision test, you must have 20/40 vision (with or without corrective lenses).
If you manage to survive all of that, then congratulations, you just earned your Winter Haven Florida learner's permit! For the first three months of your Winter Haven Florida learner's license, you an only drive until 10PM, and always with a licensed driver who is at least 21 and in the front passenger seat. After you've had your Winter Haven Florida learner's permit for one year (using it responsibly, of course), you're ready to apply for your Winter Haven Florida intermediate license.
Your First Winter Haven Florida Driver's License
In order to apply for your first Winter Haven Florida provisional driver license, you'll need the following:
- A parent or guardian who can certify that you have practiced at least 50 hours of driving (10 of which must be at night)
- To make sure that you have not had any traffic violations in the last year--otherwise, you'll have to wait!
- A Winter Haven Florida learner's license
At the Winter Haven Florida DMV, you'll present your Winter Haven Florida learner's license and the required forms. Then you'll have to take three tests:
- Vision test, in which you must have 20/40 vision (with or without glasses)
- Written test, in which you must score at least an 80%.
- The dreaded road test! We hope you've been studying your Winter Haven Florida Driver Handbook!
- However, if you've taken an approved Winter Haven Florida driver education course, you can skip the dreaded road test altogether!
If you survive, then congratulations--you've just earned your first Winter Haven Florida driver license!
Winter Haven Florida Teen Driver License Restrictions and Penalties
As we said above, the purpose of the Winter Haven Florida driver license program is to provide you with a probationary period in which to safely develop your skills before graduating to full driving privileges. Thus, there are several restrictions you need to keep in mind regarding your Winter Haven Florida learner's license or Winter Haven Florida driver's license.
Winter Haven Florida Permit Restrictions - With a Winter Haven Florida learner's permit, you must observe the following restrictions:
- you can only drive until 10PM for the first three months
- you must always with a licensed driver who is at least 21 and in the front passenger seat.
Winter Haven Florida Intermediate License Restrictions - Winter Haven Florida intermediate license holders who are 16 years old can only drive between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. except in the following cases:
- when being accompanied by a licensed driver who is at least 21 years old and occupies the front passenger seat
- when traveling to or from work.
Winter Haven Florida intermediate license holders who are 17 years old can only drive between 5 a.m. and 1 a.m. except in the following cases:
- when being accompanied by a licensed driver who is at least 21 years old and occupies the front passenger seat
- when traveling to or from work.
But cheer up: when you turn 18, all of these restrictions are removed!
Winter Haven Florida Auto Insurance Winter Haven Florida Financial Responsibility Laws
Sadly, traffic accidents are a fact of life, for young and experienced drivers alike. Any vehicle registered in Winter Haven Florida must be covered by liability insurance. The minimum coverage is $10,000 for personal injury and $10,000 for property damage.
If you are found to be driving without the minimum mandatory liability insurance, you could be fined. If you are involved in an accident and cannot provide proof of insurance, your Winter Haven Florida learner's permit or Winter Haven Florida intermediate license will be suspended.
Winter Haven Florida Drunk Driving, Cell Phone, and Text Messaging Laws
As a new Winter Haven Florida driver, it's important for you to learn the Winter Haven Florida drunk driving, cell phone, and text messaging laws. In Winter Haven Florida, the standard of DUI is lower for teens, and you only need to have a blood alcohol level of 0.02 (instead of the 0.08 for adults) to be convicted.
Upon your first conviction of a Winter Haven Florida DUI (0.08), you will face the following penalties:
- Your Winter Haven Florida license will be suspended from 6 months to 1 year
- $500 to $1000 fine
- 50 hours of community service
- Vehicle impounding
- Jail sentence of 6 months maximum
- 100 hour of community service
- Ignition Interlock Device may be installed
- mandatory alcohol education program
As you can see, driving under the influence is not a habit you should want to develop. Further Winter Haven Florida DUI convictions will result in increased jail time, community service, fines, and Winter Haven Florida license suspension or even Winter Haven Florida license revocation.
Currently, there is no law banning cell phone use in Winter Haven Florida, though in 2010 there are two laws making their way through the state legislature which, if passed, will ban text messaging while driving.
Winter Haven Florida Online Driver Education
Anyone 16-18 applying for a Winter Haven Florida intermediate license may opt out of the dreaded road test upon completion of a Winter Haven Florida approved driver education course. The Winter Haven Florida DMV has a thorough list of the many Winter Haven Florida approved driver education courses.